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University Honors Program celebrate 55 years!

In October, Integrated Studies, or I.S., alumni hosted their 55th reunion in Davis. The Integrated Studies program grew and adapted over the years, merging the Davis Honors Challenge, Integrated Studies and Integrated Studies Honors Program in the early 2000’s, under the banner of University Honors Program.  

What makes the University Honors Program special?

When Erin Park came to UC Davis in 2022, she enrolled in the University Honors Program, or UHP. Park, now a double major in cognitive science and design, quickly realized how special the honors program experience was for her and many others.

UC Davis College Awards 2023

Each year, the academic colleges recognize undergraduate students who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in academics, research, and leadership. Several members of the UHP Class of 2023 have been recognized for their achievements and contributions during their time at UC Davis.

College of Agriculture and Environmental Science

UHP 2023 Student Award Winners

Every year, the University Honors Program awards students for implementing the values of UHP: leadership, community service, and research & innovation. These are our 2023 winners.

2023 UHP Student Leadership Award: 

Commemoration of Karim Majdi Abou Najm

On April 29, 2023, the life of Davis and University Honors Program student Karim Majdi Abou Najm was taken in Sycamore Park. Along with his family, the Davis community mourns the loss of Karim and his beautiful and joyful life.

Congratulations to UHP's Class of 2023!

The University Honors Program is pleased to celebrate our 128 graduates who have successfully completed the UHP curriculum! We are so proud of everything they have accomplished in their time here at UC Davis and in UHP. We are excited to hear all about their post-graduate achievements. Congratulations to the class of 2023! 

UHP Says Farewell to Kelly!

Kelly Van Zandt, the First- and Second-Year Advisor & Transition Specialist for the University Honors Program, has been an essential part of the UHP community since 2018.

First joining in February 2018, Kelly entered the University Honors Program as the academic advisor for first- and second-year UHP students, a new position within the program. Since then, her efforts have been seen far and wide across campus, both in UHP and around UC Davis.

2022 UHP Graduates Receive Campus Awards

Each year, the academic colleges recognize undergraduate students who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in academics, research, and leadership. Several members of the UHP Class of 2022 have been recognized for their achievements and contributions during their time at UC Davis. College of Agriculture & Environmental Science

The College of Agriculture & Environmental Science awarded eight outstanding students who demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in areas of academic excellence, distinctive leadership, and community or public service.

Comparative Literature and Environmental Science & Policy Faculty Win 2022 UHP Outstanding Faculty Awards

Every year, the University Honors Program invites students to nominate UC Davis faculty for Outstanding Teaching and Faculty Mentorship Awards. These are our 2022 winners. Outstanding Teaching Award: Timothy Parish, Comparative Literature Faculty Member

One of the most unique aspects of the University Honors Program is the innovative, discussion-based, honors courses. UHP students have the opportunity to engage with their professors and peers through these honors classes in a way they may not be able to in a large, lecture-style course.

2022 Graduates Receive UHP Awards

Every year, the University Honors Program awards students for implementing the values of UHP: leadership, community service, and research & innovation. These are our 2022 winners. 2022 UHP Student Leadership Award: Harjeet Mann, Biological Sciences

The UHP Leadership Award identifies one student who has exhibited leadership, excellence, and a dedication to being a positive, driving force in society. This student has taken the resources and skills they have learned throughout life and through UHP to be a trailblazer.

Celebrating UHP’s Graduating Class of 2022

This year the University Honors Program is delighted to celebrate 145 graduates who have successfully completed the UHP curriculum. This is the largest graduating class in our program’s history! We are so proud of everything they have accomplished in their time with UHP and at UC Davis. This video was created in honor of our graduates’ accomplishments, and we look forward to hearing of their post-graduation achievements. Congratulations to the class of 2022!


Sara and Harjeet’s Honors Contract Experience with Dr. Janowitz

The Honors Contract course option allows students to personalize their Honors learning experience by developing a final project where they can dive deeper into a topic they are passionate about. 

Fourth year students Sara Clarkson and Harjeet Mann both created Honors Contracts with Dr. Naomi Janowitz, Professor of Religious Studies, after taking her Honors class RST 110: Life, Meaning, and Identity. We interviewed them to learn more about their projects and experience working on an Honors Contract with Dr. Janowitz.