Envision UC Davis

Honors at UC Davis

What is Honors?

There are three types of honors at UC Davis: the University Honors Program (UHP), graduating "with Honors" from UC Davis, and completing an Honors Thesis through your major department. For questions about UHP Honors, please contact us. For information on graduating with Honors from UC Davis, please contact your college's Dean's office. For departmental honors, or to complete an honors thesis through your major, please contact your major advisor.


The University Honors Program (UHP)

UHP is an invitation-only 4-year program which involves enrolling in specific Honors classes, completing honors projects, and eventually completing an honors capstone. For more information on UHP, visit our About Us page. Visit our Admissions page for more information about how and when you may be invited.

If you are a UHP student and complete all of the year's curriculum, you will receive transcript notation for each year in UHP and you will be invited to attend an honors graduation.


Graduating from UC Davis with Honors

If you are interested in graduating with honors, high honors, or highest honors, you will need to contact your College's Dean’s Office. Each College has specific requirements that are primarily based on GPA. Some colleges require you to also complete an honors thesis through your major. Please visit the UC Davis general catalog academic information page for more information on GPA requirements. Below is a brief listing of what each College requires. Please contact the Dean’s Office of your college for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

If you graduate with honors, high honors, or highest honors, your honors will be announced at graduation when your diploma is presented and your honors will be printed on your diploma. 


Honors Thesis through your Major

Some major department have their own honors thesis or project options which may have additional requirements. If you wish to undertake an honors thesis through your major, you will need to contact your major department advisor for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

For students in the University Honors Program:

  • If you are completing a thesis through your major to fulfill a UHP Year 4 capstone requirement, you will need to contact UHP's Year 4 Advisor and your major advisor. You will first need to work with your major advisor to determine if an honors thesis within your major exists and whether you are eligible for it. You will then work with UHP's Year 4 Advisor to ensure the honors thesis fulfills the UHP Year 4 capstone requirement. If you complete your honors through your major, you will then be eligible for double honors – both through UHP and through your major.
  • If there is no honors thesis option within your major department, you can work with UHP's Year 4 Advisor to complete a thesis through UHP. If you complete your honors thesis through UHP, you will only be eligible for honors through UHP.

For students who are not in UHP:

  • You will need to work with your major advisor to determine if an honors thesis within your major exists and whether you are eligible for it.
  • If you complete your honors thesis this way, you will be eligible for honors within your major.


It is possible for UHP students to receive all three types of honors recognition, a combination of two types of honors, or only one type of honors. If you are interested in completing any of the above honors, please be in contact as early as possible with your Dean’s Office, your major advisor, and the UHP advisors so you can ensure you meet all possible requirements. We recommend that you do this as soon as possible, as graduating with honors generally requires applying to your department and dedicated units of study. Feel free to contact us for more information and clarification.