2018 UC Davis Undergraduate Research Conference

Year 4 - Signature Work

Signature Work

University Honors Program students are required to complete a signature work that integrates and applies their undergraduate experience by addressing a question or problem that has both social and personal significance.  Students have four Signature Work options: Engineering Design Project, Thesis in Major, UHP Project or UHP Thesis.

The four options vary from a single discipline or major, interdisciplinary perspective, to a project-based path that blends research and experiential learning.

List of UC Davis Capstone Courses

Find out which capstone courses are available by major and college, and which programs require you to complete your capstone through UHP

Abstracts from the UHP Senior Research Booklets


Signature Work provides an opportunity to engage in purposeful high-impact practices, which engage faculty, staff and/or peers. The student takes the lead under faculty mentorship to complete a credit bearing thesis or project that consists of ample writing, self-reflection, and a public presentation of findings.

Student endeavors may focus on contemporary and enduring issues such as educational access, food security, health disparities, race relations, or sustainability, while others may be graduate school or career related which allow an individual to connect their education in a meaningful way.

For Signature Work details regarding learning outcomes, roles and responsibilities, formatting, and/or those whom pursue the UHP Thesis or Project, please refer to the UHP Canvas page accessible to UHP students. 


Transcript Notation

Final UHP transcript notation is issued after the Spring quarter upon completion of the following

Program Year 4 Requirements

  1. Present Signature Work at a conference or professional setting
  2. Submit Signature Work (20 pages, double spaces or 10 pages, single spaced)
  3. Create and Complete an eportfolio 
  4. Participate in a signature work course for at least 2 quarters and receive a passing grade
  5. Maintain the UHP minimum GPA (3.25)

Signature Work Types

Click on each of the Signature Work options to learn more.

  • Engineering Design Project
  • College of Engineering students that complete an Engineering Design Project and participate in the Engineering Design Showcase will meet the UHP Signature Work curriculum.  Participants report this option through the UHP Signature Work survey sent to fourth-year students in November.
  • Thesis in Major
  • The majority of department majors offer a thesis option. UHP students are encouraged to speak with their major advisor early in their academic career to ascertain thesis prerequisites and criteria and how units are counted towards degree completion. Participants report this option through the UHP Signature Work survey sent to fourth-years students in November.
  • UHP Thesis
  • A student whom does not pursue, or have access to, a Thesis in their Major or Engineering Design Project may complete a UHP Thesis. The proposal deadline is the 10th day of instruction for Fall-Winter and Winter-Spring quarters.

    The UHP Thesis has a minimum enrollment of two consecutive quarters of HNR 195.  A student selects a faculty mentor of their choice, outlines their thesis plan with their instructor and documents expectations. The UHP Signature Work Guidebook provides full details on the thesis proposal and final document.
  • UHP Project
  • UHP students that do not seek a Thesis in Major or Engineering Design Project may complete a UHP Project. The proposal deadline is the 10th day of instruction for the Fall-Winter quarters and Winter-Spring quarters.

    The UHP Project has a minimum enrollment of two consecutive quarters of HNR 195. Unlike the three options noted above, projects can be a creative work (new music composition, play, work of art) contributing to critical thinking, inspiration, and sense of connectedness on campus and in the community. While creative work is by definition novel, projects can build on existing work, but should clearly extend the scope of outreach, introduce something new, and/or dramatically improve the means of ongoing program assessment.

    A student selects a faculty mentor of their choice, outlines their project plan with their instructor, and documents expectations. The UHP Signature Work Guidebook provides full details on the UHP Project expectations.


HNR 195 Proposal Fillable Form.pdf