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Capstone Courses

Not all majors have capstone or thesis course codes. If your major is one of these departments, you have the option to complete your capstone through the University Honors Program by doing either a Capstone Project (minimum 2 quarters of HNR 195) or a Thesis through UHP (minimum 2 quarters of HNR 195). You may also work with faculty in your department to complete 2-3 quarters of your department's 199 course that is of research or capstone project rigor.


Click on each heading below to view each list

  • Majors that do not have a thesis course code within their department
  • Agricultural and Environmental Education (CAES)
    Agricultural and Environmental Technology (CAES - coming fall 2022) 

    Art Studio (L&S)
    Atmospheric Science (CAES)
    Clinical Nutrition (CAES)
    Data Science (L&S)

    Entomology (CAES)
    Food Science (CAES)
    Human Biology (CBS) 

    Human Development (CAES)
    Hydrology (CAES)
    Nutrition Science (CAES)
    Sustainable Environmental Design (CAES)
    Systems and Synthetic Biology (CBS) 

    Viticulture and Enology (CAES)


  • Alphabetical list of majors which offer a thesis in the major option. Please consult with your major advisor for details on enrollment in your major's thesis course.
  • Aerospace Science and Engineering (ENG) - EME 185A-185B
    African American and African Studies (L&S) - AAS 194HA-194HB 
    American Studies (L&S) - AMS 190A-190B

    Animal Biology (CAES) - ABI 187, ABI 189, ABI 189D
    Animal Science (CAES) - ANS 194HA-194HC
    Animal Science and Management (CAES) - ANS 194HA-194HC
    Anthropology (L&S) - ANT 194H
    Applied Chemistry (L&S) - CHE 194HA-194HC
    Applied Mathematics (L&S) - MAT 194
    Applied Physics (L&S) - PHY 194HA-194HB, PHY 195
    Art History (L&S) - AHI 194HA-194HB

    Asian American Studies (L&S) - ASA 194, 195
    Biochemical Engineering (ENG) - ECH 158A-158C
    Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (CBS) - MCB 194, MCB 194H

    Biological Sciences (CBS) - BIS 194H
    Biological Systems Engineering (ENG) - EBS 170A- 170C
    Biomedical Engineering (ENG) - BIM 110A-110C

    Biotechnology (CAES) - BIT 194H
    Cell Biology (CBS) - MCB 194, MCB 194H
    Chemical Engineering (ENG) - ECH 158A-158C
    Chemical Physics (L&S) - CHE 194HA-194HC
    Chemistry (L&S) - CHE 194HA-194HC

    Chicana/Chicano Studies  (L&S) - CHI 194HA-194HC
    Chinese (L&S) - CHN 194H
    Cinema & Digital Studies (L&S) - CDM 195HA-195HB

    Civil Engineering (ENG) - ECI 193A-193B
    Classical Civilization (L&S) - CLA 194HA-194HB

    Cognitive Science (L&S) - CGS 194HA-194HB
    Communication (L&S) - CMN 194H

    Community and Regional Development (CAES) - CRD 194HA-194HB
    Comparative Literature (L&S) - COM 194H
    Computer Engineering (ENG) -  EEC 193A-193B
    Computer Science (L&S) - ECS 193A-193B

    Computer Science and Engineering (ENG) - ECS 193A-193B
    Design (L&S) - DES 194HA-194HB

    East Asian Studies (L&S) - EAS 194H, EAS 196A-196B
    Ecological Management and Restoration (CAES) - PLS 194H
    Economics (L&S) - ECN 194HA-194HB

    Electrical Engineering (ENG) - EEC 193A-193B
    English (L&S) - ENL 194H-195H
    Environmental Engineering (ENG) - ECI 193A-193B

    Environmental Horticulture and Urban Forestry (CAES) - PLS 194H
    Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning (CAES) - ESM 194H
    Environmental Science and Management (CAES) - ESM 194H
    Environmental Toxicology (CAES) - ETX 194HA-194HC
    Evolution and Ecology, and Biodiversity (CBS) - EVE 194HA-194HC
    French  (L&S) - FRE 194H-195H
    Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies (L&S) - WMS 194HA-194HB
    Genetics and Genomics (CBS) - MCB 194, MCB 194H
    Geology (L&S) - GEL 194A-194B, GEL 194HA-194HB

    German (L&S) - GER 194HA-194HB
    Global Disease Biology (CAES) - GDB 187, GDB 189-189D
    History (L&S) - HIS 104B-104C
    International Agricultural Development (CAES) - PLS 194H
    International Relations (L&S) - IRE 194HA-194HB
    Italian (L&S) - ITA 194H-195H

    Japanese (L&S) - JPN 194H
    Landscape Architecture (CAES) - LDA 193A-193B

    Linguistics (L&S) - LIN 194H
    Managerial Economics (CAES) - ARE 194HA-194HB
    Marine and Coastal Science: Coastal Environmental Processes (CAES) - ESM 194H
    Marine and Coastal Science: Marine Ecology and Organismal Biology (CBS) - EVE 19HA-194HC

    Marine and Coastal Science: Oceans and the Earth System (L&S) - GEL 194A-194B, GEL 194HA-194HB
    Materials Science and Engineering (ENG) - EMS 188A-188B, EMS 188AH-188BH
    Mathematical Analytics and Operations Research (L&S) - MAT 194
    Mathematical and Scientific Computation (L&S) - MAT 194
    Mathematics (L&S) - MAT 194

    Mechanical Engineering (ENG) - EME 185A-185B
    Medieval & Early Modern Studies (L&S) - MST 190
    Middle East/South Asia Studies (L&S) - MSA 194H
    Molecular and Medical Microbiology (CBS) - MIC 194H

    Music (L&S) - MUS 194HA-194HB, MUS 195
    Native American Studies (L&S) - NAS 194HA-194HB, NAS 196
    Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior (CBS) - NPB 194HA-194HC
    Pharmaceutical Chemistry (L&S) - CHE 194HA-194HC
    Philosophy (L&S) - PHI 194HA-194HB

    Physics (L&S) - PHY 194HA-194HB, PHY 195
    Plant Biology (CBS) - PLB 194H
    Plant Sciences (CAES) - PLS 194H
    Political Science (L&S) - POL 194HA-194HB
    Psychology (L&S) - PSC 194HA-194HB
    Religious Studies (L&S) - RST 194HA-194HB
    Russian (L&S) - RUS 194H-195H
    Science and Technology Studies (L&S) - STS 194A-194B
    Sociology (L&S) - SOC 194H-194HB

    Spanish (L&S) - SPA 194H
    Statistics (L&S) - STA 194HA-194HB
    Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems (CAES) - ESP 191A-191B 
    Theater and Dance  (L&S) - DRA 194HA-194HB, DRA 195
    Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology - WFC 195