2022 UHP Graduates Receive Campus Awards
Each year, the academic colleges recognize undergraduate students who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in academics, research, and leadership. Several members of the UHP Class of 2022 have been recognized for their achievements and contributions during their time at UC Davis.
College of Agriculture & Environmental Science
The College of Agriculture & Environmental Science awarded eight outstanding students who demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in areas of academic excellence, distinctive leadership, and community or public service. Three UHP students were recognized. Rory Greenhalgh, graduating with a degree in biotechnology, is the 2022 recipient of the College Medal for scholastic excellence. In addition, Yue Jin, graduating with degrees in clinical nutrition and psychology, received the 2022 Mary Regan Meyer Prize for serving humanity. And Emily Manroe, graduating with degrees in human development and psychology, received the 2022 Dean’s Circle Award for outstanding academics and community service.
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College of Engineering
Gabriella Bond, graduating with a B.S. in biomedical engineering, is this year’s recipient of the M.S. Ghausi Medal, the College of Engineering’s highest honor for undergraduates. Gabriella has made extensive efforts in applying granular microgels for the engineering of osteochondral tissues within the Leech Laboratory. She has also received the Departmental Citation Award and the Ronald and Lydia Baskin Research Award for her exploits.
Faiza Alvia, graduating with a B.S. in mechanical and aerospace engineering, also received the 2022 Departmental Citation Award for exemplary achievements or service within their major. And Ruby Telfer, graduating with a B.S. in environmental engineering, is the 2022 recipient of the College of Engineering’s Outstanding Senior Award. This award recognizes graduating seniors who have made significant contributions to the learning environment through active academic engagement.
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College of Biological Sciences
Numerous UHP students received awards within CBS. These awards include the Distinguished Scholar Award and the Outstanding Senior Award, which both recognize undergraduates for academic excellence. See the list below for 2022 graduates who have received these awards!
2022 Distinguished Scholar Award:
Tzu-Ni Sin, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Estelle Yoo, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Maya Sahtout, Biological Sciences
Harjeet Mann, Biological Sciences
Sukhdev Mann, Biological Sciences
Carmen David, Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity
Aditi Goyal, Genetics and Genomics
Tammie Tam, Molecular and Medical Microbiology
Jonathan Berg, Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior
Austin Chan, Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior
Leann Le, Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior
Henry Low, Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
Nathifa Nasim, Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
2022 Outstanding Senior Award:
Maya Sahtout, Biological Sciences
Kacey Zimmerman, Cell Biology
Carmen David, Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity
Pradhan Hariharan, Genetics and Genomics
Mable Thai, Microbiology
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College of Letters and Science
Celine Busnelli, graduating with degrees in international relations and history, is the 2022 recipient of the Herbert A. Young Award, which recognizes one graduating undergraduate for their academic accomplishments and extracurricular activities. Celine’s extracurricular activities include promoting environmental justice through her honors thesis focused on the Shasta Dam, participating in the UC Davis Washington Program, and interning for U.S. Rep. Doris Matsui (D-Sacramento).
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