Position Title
3rd Year
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Future Career: Bilingual Teacher or working in a district office.
Personal Interests: Studying, listening to 21 Pilots, late night games with my roommates, and going to the MU trivia nights.
Campus Involvement: Peer mentor, a member of the Spanish club, and a member of UHP.
How I can help you: As a mentor, I can help to get used to this new environment that not many first-generation students are exposed to. There are common ideas in the culture when it comes to leaving the home to obtain an education while in the past it was usually just for work. I want to be a guide so those students don't let themselves get overwhelmed and are able to maintain a focus on why they are here.
When I started at UC Davis: I felt a sense of guilt for leaving my family by attending a University far from home. In my time here, I've realized that I'm not just doing this for myself but for the future generations of kids who also grew up in a Hispanic household.
Advice for incoming first-year UHP students: I would say to explore ways of learning that are meaningful to you. In high school, we are taught many ways to study for tests and write essays. Making your time here unique and meaningful will allow you to enrich not just your university life but also many aspects of your future.